
Exercise Physiology

Injury Management & Rehabilitation

At SportsTec Clinic we have Exercise Physiologists who are professionally trained and qualified in the prevention, treatment, and management of physical injuries.
Exercise plans

Start Your Tailored Exercise Plan

Our professionals determine your fitness levels and design a rehabilitation plan suited to your physical state. Only then can you be completely certain that your path to recovery is both safe and guaranteed.

Personal Appointments & Group Exercise Classes Now Available

Our exercise physiologist also keeps up with the latest research in combating obesity and weight loss, and work closely with our dietitian to help with losing weight safely. Check out our timetable below for EP rehab classes, seniors rehab classes and group rehab classes.
Exercise Class Timetable

What a Clinical Exercise Physiologist Can Do For You

An exercise physiologist is a clinician who is an expert in using exercise for illness or injury management . For four years, exercise physiologists study how exercise can change, improve or even reverse certain conditions ranging from heart disease or asthma to more common injuries such as a sprained ankle. Exercising with an exercise physiologist is different to a personal trainer in that the exercise physiologist has studied in-depth how a disease can affect the human body and cause potentially serious injury.

Exercise physiology often deals with:

Chronic pain
Older adults
Cardio-respiratory conditions
Contact Us

Exercise Physiologists

Our exercise physiology team share a passion for injury prevention and rehabilitation, and are committed to getting you great results.

Everyone Welcome, All Ages & Stages

We welcome clients of all ages, no matter their physical condition – we offer rehabilitation and injury management services to anyone who wishes to improve their state of body and mind. We understand that each person who comes our way struggles with some kind of a psychological barrier that they need to cross in order to start the recovery process and become the very best version of themselves.
Dancer being trained in the studio

Exercise & Rehabilitation

At SportsTec clinic our rehabilitation process is tailored to your needs because we know that is the only way to make sure our clients stay on track with the program we set and see the expected results at the end. It is also of prime importance for an exercise physiologist to take into account the specific physical and psychological state because we know that even factors like anxiety, depression, motivation and self-esteem can significantly affect the success of your recovery.
Contact us

Schedule Your Appointment

Our rehabilitation centre in Canberra is equipped with cutting-edge tools and exercise equipment that we rely on for every stage of the recovery process. Although we always take a personalised approach, a clinical exercise physiologist from SportsTec Clinic still makes sure that essential steps are taken. Thus, every new patient first goes through a stress test and we use the best evaluation tools to determine the state of your metabolism and cardiovascular function. Our custom plan will be created to meet your health needs and at the same time aid you in building strength, stamina, flexibility and endurance.
Book online

Current Timetable

Last updated on 2nd May 2024. Book online or call to enquire.

Secure Your Appointment

Make a booking online or call our clinic to speak with our team.
We accept all health funds and insurance claim referrals, such as motor vehicle accident (MVA), work injury, and EPC (Enhanced Primary Care).
Phone: (02) 6156 1308
Fax: (02) 6156 2254
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