

Equipment to Improve Your Condition

The SportsTec clinic is fitted with fundamental equipment for rehabilitation and strength training. Work with our physiotherapists and exercise physiologists within a supportive, flexible environment.

Cutting-Edge Gym Equipment

The SportsTec gym is frequently updated with new equipment to ensure you have access to the highest quality resources to support your goals. We have a wide range of equipment, including exercise bikes and a treadmill, suitable for varied use, including biomechanical analysis. Our physiotherapists and exercise physiologists provide the guidance needed to ensure you feel supported and confident in your technique.
Gym machines and equipment

Comprehensive Pilates Studio

Pilates is a great way to safely and slowly increase activity when recovering from injury. Pilates is also suitable for strength and conditioning for elite-level athletes and dancers. SportsTec offers personalised one-on-one sessions, as well as small group reformer and mat classes, with access to three reformer beds, a wundachair, and a trapeze table.
New gym equipment in the SportsTec Clinic studio

Sprung Dance Floor

Our gym area includes a sprung dance floor for assessment of dance injury. This helps our team assess the technique that may have caused the injury, and help the dancer modify their movements to manage their return to dance.
Dancer being trained in the studio

Gym and Pilates Policies

For the safety of all clients and staff, SportsTec implements the following rules regarding the use of our gym and pilates facilities:

Gym Equipment

  1. Cleaning – Following the use of exercise equipment including the bikes, seated krank cycle and benches, please clean the seat and wipe off any sweat. Spray bottles with cleaning solution and cloths will be provided.
  2. Set up – Please return the equipment to the position and state in which it was first found before use.
  3. Hygiene – Please make sure you take steps to maintain personal hygiene with consideration for other clients. This might mean bringing a fresh set of workout clothing and/or wearing deodorant.
  4. Lifting weights – Please take care when putting weights back down on the ground. There must be no dropping of weights as this will reverberate through the building and disturb tenants in the apartments around us.
  5. Priority –
    1. Priority of any equipment use goes to any STC staff member that is with a client.
    2. Please be aware that if another group or class has started, and you are still going with equipment, that priority must go to the new group.
  6. Consideration – Please be considerate of your fellow gym users. If another class has started, please no horseplay and keep noise to a minimum.
  7. Booking – To prevent congestion, please do not use the gym without making a booking. You can organise your times with reception.

Pilates Equipment

  1. Shoes – Please no shoes on the Pilates equipment as it can damage the vinyl and create hygiene issues.
  2. Cleaning – Please wipe down your equipment after using it. Spray bottles with cleaning solution and cloths will be provided.
  3. Clothing – Please wear clothing suitable for exercise, such as tracksuits, shorts or leggings. Avoid zippers and other sharp items that could damage the vinyl.
  4. Set up – Please return the equipment to the position and state in which it was first found before use.
  5. Hygiene – Please make sure you take steps to maintain personal hygiene with consideration for other clients. This might mean bringing a fresh set of workout clothing and/or wearing deodorant.
  6. Priority –
    1. Priority of any equipment use goes to any STC staff member that is with a client.
    2. Please be aware that if another group or class has started, and you are still going with equipment, that priority must go to the new group.
  7. Consideration – Please be considerate of your fellow Pilates practitioners. If another class has started, please keep noise to a minimum so as not to distract people during exercises.
  8. Booking – To prevent congestion, please do not use the gym without making a booking. You can organise your times with reception.

Current Timetable

Last updated on 2nd May 2024. Book online or call to enquire.

Secure Your Appointment

Make a booking online or call our clinic to speak with our team.
We accept all health funds and insurance claim referrals, such as motor vehicle accident (MVA), work injury, and EPC (Enhanced Primary Care).
Phone: (02) 6156 1308
Fax: (02) 6156 2254
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Website by MAAD Creative